Christchurch Earthquake update
Our team has been closely following today’s earthquake in Christchurch, and we hope its impacts and the aftershocks are minimal to you and your loved ones.
As a customer of TOWER Insurance, please know we are here to assist you.
What you need to know:
- Aftershocks are expected. You should be ready to stop, cover and hold at all times and wherever possible items in danger of falling over should be secured
- If you have experienced any damage to your house, contents and/or land, in the first instance you should contact the EQC (0800 DAMAGE or 0800 326 243; to lodge a claim. Where possible, we encourage you to take photos and document any damage to your house or contents. If you require emergency repairs to your home or business, please contact us on 0800 379 372 immediately
- If you have damage in areas that are not covered by EQC such as footpaths, fences, pools or driveways please contact us on 0800 379 372 to lodge a claim, or fill out our online form here
- If you have any concerns about further damage to your property and you have an existing earthquake claim, please contact us on 0800 379 372 or email us at
- In addition you will need to lodge a new claim with EQC (0800 DAMAGE or 0800 326 243;
- If your business has suffered any loss or damage please call us on 0800 379 372
We will continue monitoring the situation and provide updated information for our customers as it comes to hand.